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Taxing time

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I suppose I ought to think about doing my taxes. Wait, in writing that I guess I just did think about it, didn’t I?

Oddly enough, I really don’t mind doing the taxes. Yeah, when you’re in business for yourself it’s a pain to go through a year of collected receipts and job expenses, then collate and total everything – which, in my experience, is the hardest and most time-consuming part – but it’s all pretty straightforward.

After that, it’s all just plugging things in and filling in the blanks in TurboTax. And once it’s done, you can kiss it good-bye for another year. I can think of numerous other onerous chores you can’t say that about.

This year, though, I think I’m going to owe my pals in Washington a bit more than usual. Can’t really even put my finger on why, but it’s just a gut feeling that when I hit the “finish” button on TurboTax this year I’m not going to like what I see. Not looking forward to that.

On the other hand, my track record shows that when it comes to having gut feelings that have anything at all to do with money, even in the slightest, I’ve been consistently wrong.

Which in this instance puts me in the unusual position of actually hoping that, when it comes to money, having no idea what I’m talking about will be the best outcome.



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